Conversations With Myself
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
  The Death Tax
We all know, the only things in life that are for certain are death and taxes. In an article on we find that the ads about the repeal of the Estate Tax are basically false, but what I found amusing is that one of the ads quotes Don Malarkey,
Announcer: They freed the world from tyranny, then came home to build family businesses and farms. Heroes in war and peace. They paid taxes all their lives, but not the IRS hits this "Greatest Generation" with an unjust double tax, the death tax.

Don Malarkey (WWII Vet): In war and peace, my generation stood up for what's right. Join us now and help us end the unfair death tax.

Announcer: Tell Max Baucus to side with family business, not the IRS.

Malarkey? Is this the subliminal message? See we are not telling you the whole truth, but when were political ads required to tell the truth. I have always found it interesting that if you discovered that the maker of soap was not telling the truth in an advertisement you could sue and have the FCC go after them for false advertising, but not so with political ads. Wouldn't it be nice if there was an organization that politicians would have to have their ads approved and fact-checked, and then they could use the seal in their ad, like the good housekeeping seal of approval. I know wishful thinking.
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Here you will find what I find interesting to comment on. What interests me is Music, especially Church Music. Photography, Programming, Golf, and Politics.

Location: Thorndale, Pennsylvania, United States

I have been married for almost 23 years, and am the father of a teenage girl. I spend my days programming in just about any language they want in the banking and investing field. In the evening I work on my music, currently concentrating on arrangements and new choral pieces for my Church Choir. I have been Minister of Music, at my church for the past year, looking forward to next year. When I have time, I take pictures of anything and anyone. Also I play golf, not very well, but I enjoy it. Finally what I enjoy most is spending time with my family.

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