Conversations With Myself
Thursday, July 07, 2005
I was deeply saddened by the attack on innocents in London. There is no explaining terrorism.

Also, I am deeply ashamed that the United States has not stuck to the original mission. I was all for finding Bin Laden and doing what we could to stop terrorism in this world.

I keep asking myself, would things have been different if we had kept our eyes on the prize, the elimination of Terrorism in this world, and not been diverted by the case of revenge. To get Saddam because he tried to kill daddy! That is how I have always felt about this unnecessary war with Iraq. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 and were not active supporters of Bin Laden and his organization. There were no weapons of mass destruction, and Saddam did not have the means to attack the United States.

If we had continued the war on terrorism, could this have been prevented? Can this world again be safe? Or are we doomed to always fear for our lives when we step out of our homes, or worse fear for our lives in our homes because our governments can no longer secure our shores and borders.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the people of London in your time of sorrow. May this not happen again, and may we find the perpetrators and bring them to justice.
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Here you will find what I find interesting to comment on. What interests me is Music, especially Church Music. Photography, Programming, Golf, and Politics.

Location: Thorndale, Pennsylvania, United States

I have been married for almost 23 years, and am the father of a teenage girl. I spend my days programming in just about any language they want in the banking and investing field. In the evening I work on my music, currently concentrating on arrangements and new choral pieces for my Church Choir. I have been Minister of Music, at my church for the past year, looking forward to next year. When I have time, I take pictures of anything and anyone. Also I play golf, not very well, but I enjoy it. Finally what I enjoy most is spending time with my family.

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