It's the start of the School Year again
My daughter started High School today, 9th grade. Hard to believe that it has been 15 years since she was born let alone the fact that she is entering High School. I think that she is entering what can be the best 4 years of her life. I know some people probably had a better time in college, but for me high school was where I found the friends that I remember the best. It could be that I was more involved with people then, in college and later in life I found that I am basically a rather non-social person. One with interests that are out of the mainstream and as a result I really don't care to become close with too many people.
I do know that I am very picky about friends and do not commit to them easily. It may be that my wife and I have found in the past that every time we got close to another couple, with which we had more than just one interest in common, that they would move away. As a result, I have to say that we got rather gunshy about becoming close with other couples.
So to my daughter, I say, cherish the next 4 years, they easily can be the best years of your life, and the friends that you make in High School will stay in your memories for the rest of your life.